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Academic Writing Strategies: How To Come Up With A Good Sports Topic For A Research Paper

If you have chosen to write a sports topic for your research paper, you need to understand that such topics usually draw a lot of attention from a lot of stakeholders within the learning environment. The reason for this is because sports is a very touchy subject in schools, and your research paper might as well provide some solutions to problems that the institution has been grappling with for a very long time. You never know, you might just happen to be that visionary that the institution requires.

There is a lot of information on sports topics out there, so selecting one should not be as big a challenge, but developing a sustainable argument about it should be your primary concern. To get a good topic, always focus on the subjects that draw a lot of attention. The following are some subjects from which you can easily get useful topics for your research paper:

Drugs and steroids

It is rather uncommon to go a week without learning of an incident in sports where drugs or steroids are mentioned. The good thing about topics on drugs and steroids in sports is that you do not even need to go through sports networks or databases to find literature that you can use, you can even go through health databases and you will never run short of literature to build an argumentative essay.

You can choose to focus on legislation, or flaws that are present in the current legislation, flaws that can be abused by sports participants.


Injuries and sports are two things that coexist together. It does not matter whether you want to write about professional sports or for those who play sports for fun, injuries will always be there. Like we have mentioned earlier on, there are a lot of topics to sporting injuries that you can get in health databases, which will help you create a very good research paper.

You can choose to focus on injury prevention, types of injuries that are common to the particular sport that you fancy, or after care for those who are injured. There are so many professional athletes that have had their careers affected by injuries, and since their experiences have been well-documented in the press and other media outlets, you have more than enough evidence to act as your back-up for the research paper.

2007 - 2024 Last updated: May 06, 2024